The possible sale of a Port Macquarie car park to Woolworths, has been met with strong community opposition in recent weeks.

However the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce believes it has a plan of action that would provide the best outcome for stakeholders and the community.






  1. James Avatar

    They’re still not listening, and not disclosing much information

  2. michael coghlan Avatar
    michael coghlan

    What constitutes strong community opposition? It appears that the majority of the community in Port Macquarie either don’t care or are happy for Woolworths to go ahead and develop the car park. The petition that those opposing the development have at the moment through change.ork only has 620 supporters, whom you would have to agree is a minority of the population in the Port Macquarie area.

    I would suggest that those that don’t want development of the car park are more than likely local business owners or ;ocals wanting to gwet some sort of attention to themselves. There are probably a very few who have genuine reasons for no development.

    In short there is no strong community opposition

    1. John Jones Avatar
      John Jones

      I believe there is quite a strong feeling in the community about crown land being sold to the highest bidder. Our Local Council seem to be overlooked by the State government in their objection to any development that they believe is not in the best interest of the community ie the Masters development.
      Re the petition. Not being on face book, plus being an older ratepayer and not being computer savvy I was unaware a petition existed until I was told about it an hour ago. Do not assume that because there has not been many signatories on the petition that there is lack of interest.
      Our local government is LOCAL and not some State employee or committee based elsewhere and therefore would be in a better position to judge what development is in the best interest of the community.